We specialize in all things trucking and transportation to help benefit you and your company.
We offer flexible delivery and load request, competitive prices and rates per mile, as well as 24/7 on call dispatching.
Our carriers are insured for $1,000,000 Auto Liability and
$100,000 Coverage on cargo
All of our fleet vehicles and equipment are monitored from anywhere in the country in real time 24/7, 365 days a year by OneStepGPS
All of our fleet vehicles and equipment are monitored from anywhere in the country in real time 24/7, 365 days a year by OneStepGPS
(Reference ACE Logistics for a discount on your purchase from OneStepGPS)
We believe BigTex Trailers are the leader in the trailer insdustry in providing quality and proven equipment as well as service.
We believe BigTex Trailers are the leader in the trailer insdustry in providing quality and proven equipment as well as service.
ACE Logistics utilizes BigTex Trailers to support our needs for rugged and dependable equipment
ACE Logistics is owned and operated by ANC Property Management LLC
ACE Logistics is owned and operated by ANC Property Management LLC